Penn State Circle K

Live to Serve
Love to Serve

PSU circle k international

what is CKI?

Circle K is an international service organization, which started in 1936 by Kiwanis International. Circle K focuses on its three tenants: service, leadership, and fellowship.There are over 550 colleges and universities with nearly 13,500 members across 17 countries actively participating in Circle K.Our club, located in University Park, PA, has partnerships with many local groups and non-profit organizations such as the YMCA, THON, Nittany Greyhounds, Days for Girls, PSU Student Disability Resources, Boal Mansion, Centre Furnace Mansion, Love Letters for Literacy, Out of the Cold, Shaver's Creek Environmental Center, Big Brothers Big Sisters, American Red Cross, The American Philatelic Society, and many more.


Kiwanis Club

Kiwanis strive to help and improve the lives of children in their communities, locally and internationally through fundraising and various service events! The Kiwanis Club in State College has meetings that are twice a month, which PSU Circle K often attends. Check out their website to learn more about Kiwanis Club!

Aktion Club

Aktion Club is one of the few, if not the only service club for adults with disabilities. The club helps uphold the Kiwanis mission of improving the lives of children, while simultaneously offering a wide array of leadership opportunities for those who want to give back to the community. Visit their website to read more about Aktion Club!